• PF No. 80912
3. Biography:
I’m a pure mathematician by profession and prolific researcher in mathematical sciences and applications to other fields. My research interest is in functional analysis, particularly, operator theory. I endeavor to do research that has applications to other areas like Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis and Contemporary Issues in Business and Economics, Computing and Information Technology. The output of my research is for solving real life problems of socio-economic nature in Kenya (and other developing countries), Africa and Globally.
4. Academic Qualifications:
2013-2017 PhD Pure Mathematics
On Complete Positivity and Boundedness of Operators on Non-Unital C*-algebras
Odinga University
of Science and
2008 -2010 Master of Science
(Pure Mathematics) The M0 –Matrix Completion Problem for some Digraphs of
5×5 matrices with five edges
2001-2005 Bachelor of Education(Arts)-Mathematics and Geography- First class honours N/A Egerton University
1996-1999 KCSE N/A Cardinal Otunga
High School
1987-1995 KCPE N/A Riangoko primary
5. Research Interests:
1. Functional Analysis/Operator theory,
2. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis,
3. Number theory and applications to computing
4. Coding Theory
6. Publications:
YEAR 2024
1. Asamba Samwel Okeri, Benard Okelo, Robert Obogi, and Priscah Omoke: AI-Techniques in analysis of semi-continuity in Lp-spaces. SSAR Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol 01, Issue 01, April 2024, 72-78
YEAR 2023
1. Obogi Robert Karieko: On Norms of Derivations Implemented by Self-Adjoint Operators. Open Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2023, 7(1), 42-55, doi:10.30538/psrp-oma2023.0122
2. Ombaki Richard, Kerongo Joash and Obogi Robert (2023). Asymptotic Synchronization of Nonlinear Functional Neutral Delay Difference Equations with Variable Co-efficients. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Research, 3(2), 48-59. doi: 10.51483/IJPAMR.3.2.2023.48-59
3. Asamba Samwel Okeri, Benard Okelo, Robert Obogi, and Priscah Omoke: Characterization of semi-continuity in Lp-spaces. Mathematical Analysis and its Contemporary Applications, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2023, 91-100. ISSN 2716-989, doi: 10.30495/2023.2006888.1081
4. Kimtai Boaz Simatwo, , Runji Flora Mati and Obogi Robert Karieko, Enumeration of Cyclic Codes Over GF (23). Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science Volume 38, Issue 9, Page 194-206, 2023. ISSN: 2456-9968. DOI: 10.9734/JAMCS/2023/v38i91815
5. M.Orina, N.B.Okelo, R.K.Obogi, On Orthogonality of Elementary Operators in Normed Spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Modeling. ISSN 2709-5924 doi:10.48185/jmam.v4i1.505 (June 2023) Vol.4(1) : 52-77
6. Obogi Robert Karieko, Certain Orthogonality Conditions for Finite Elementary Operators in Normed Spaces. Functional Analysis FAC – SEAMS Volume 2, April, 2023, ID 3
7. J.Z.Nyabonyi, N. B. Okelo, R. K. Obogi, On Norm Estimates for Derivations in Norm-Attainable Classes. European Journal of Mathematical Analysis. https://doi.org/10.28924/ada/ma.3.9 . Vol. 3 (2023), 9. Jan 16, 2023
YEAR 2022
1. Rogito Ombati Zablon, Kerongo Joash and Obogi Robert, Mathematical Modeling of Seepage Velocity Influence on Transport of Dissolved Heavy Metals from Waste-Dumps to River Channel. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Research. https://doi.org/10.51483/IJPAMR.2.2.2022.75-82
2. Obogi Robert Karieko, On Contractivity and Normaloidity of Hilbert Space Operators. Functional Analysis FAC – SEAMS Volume 1, September, 2022, ID 3
3. N. C. Nyamwaya, R. K. Obogi, Benard Okelo, On Supraposinormality of Operators in Norm-Attainable Classes International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science & Mathematics., Vol. 15, No. 2, June 2022 Print ISSN: 1998-6262, Online ISSN: 2079-0376
YEAR 2021
1. J.Z.Nyabonyi, N. B. Okelo, R. K. Obogi, On Norm-Attainability Condition for Derivations in Banach algebras. South Asian Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2664-4150, Volume 3(3), August 2021
2. A.O.Nyakebogo, J.M.Kerongo, R.K. Obogi, Stability and Consistency Analysis of FTCS Scheme for Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Fluid Flow over a Vertical Stretching Sheet. International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Volume-8, Issue-4, pp.38-43, August (2021)
3. Nyakebogo Abraham Osogo, Kerongo Joash Morara, Obogi Robert Karieko. The effect of Variable Viscosity and Unsteady Free Convective Fluid Flow Over a stretching surface in the presence of Thermal Radiation and Viscous Dissipation. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE) ISSN: 2454-8006 Volume 7(6) , June 2021 www.ijasre.net
4. N. C. Nyamwaya, N. B. Okelo, R. K. Obogi, On Characterization of Supra-posinormal Operators in Norm-Attainable Classes South Asian Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2664-4150, Volume 3(3), June 2021
5. M.Orina, N.B. Okelo, R.K. Obogi, On Finiteness of Elementary Operators in Normed Spaces. South Asian Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2664-4150, Volume 3(3), June 2021
YEAR 2020
6. Nyakebogo Abraham Osogo, Kerongo Joash Morara, Obogi Robert Karieko. Effects of Magnetic Parameter and Injection Velocity on Unsteady Magneto hydrodynamic Fluid Flow over a Vertical Stretching Sheet in the Presence of Induced Magnetic Field. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020 www.ijsr.net
7. Oyombe Aluala, Oduor Okoya Michael, Obogi Robert and Kerongo Joash. Lie Symmetry Solution of Third Order Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation. International Journal of Mathematics and its Applications, ISSN:2347-1557, 8(2) 2020, 143-154
8. Wanjala Victor, R.K. Obogi and M.O.Okoya On n-metric equivalence of operators. International Journal of Mathematics and its Applications, ISSN:2347-1557, 8(1) 2020, 107-109
9. Peter O. Ojwala, Michael O. Okoya, Robert Obogi "Lie Symmetry Solutions of Coupled Lotka-Volterra Competition-Diffusion Model" International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology 66.3 (2020):39-52.
YEAR 2019
10. Obogi Robert Karieko: Convergence Of Positive And Completely Positive Operators On Non-Unital C*-Algebras. International Journal of Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications, ISSN: 0975-2919, Volume 11, Number 2, December 2019, Pages 71-78.
YEAR 2018
11. P.K. Tarus, W.C.Koech and R. Obogi: Modelling Of Motor-Gear-Generator System. Asian Journal of Mathematics, ISSN: 2395-4205 (P), ISSN: 2395-4213 (O), 25(5): 279-288, 2018
YEAR 2017
12. Kirwa P, Rotich T and Obogi R: A mathematical Model of the effect of Immuno-Stimulants on the Immune Response to HIV infection. International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications(IJLERA), ISSN: 2455-7137, Volume 02, issue 08, August 2017, PP 01-07 www.ijlera.com
13. Kirwa P, Rotich T, Obogi R and Tanui P.K: Boundedness and Positivity of a Mathematical model of the immune response to HIV infection. International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology(IJSRET), ISSN: 2278-0882, Volume 6, issue 8, August 2017, www.ijsret.org
14. Sabasi Omaoro, J. Kerongo, R.K Obogi and N.B Okelo: Generalizations of normal self-adjoint operators. Journal of Global research in Mathematical archives Vol 4, No 9, 13-17, August 2017, http://www.jgrma.info
15. S.Asamba, N.B. Okelo, R.K.Obogi: Characterization of Spectra of Posinormal Operators. International journal of Modern Science and Technology, ISSN:2456-0235, Vol.2. Issue 7- July 2017.
YEAR 2016
16. Sabasi Omaoro, R.K Obogi and N.B Okelo: On certain norms and numerical radius attainability conditions for normal operators. International journal of Academic studies 2(1): (2016) 21-27, www.ijacademicstudies.com
YEAR 2015
17. P.O Mogotu, J.Kerongo, R.K Obogi and N.B Okelo: Certain properties of normaloid operators. Journal of Advanced Mathematics 01[01] 2015, www.asdpub.com/index.php/jam
18. N.B. Okelo, R. K. Obogi: On convergences of contractive maps in metric spaces.
Journal of Advanced Mathematics 01[01] 2015, www.asdpub.com/index.php/jam
19. Sabasi Omaoro, J. Kerongo, R. K. Obogi and N. B. Okelo: On reflexivity, denseness and compactness of numerical radius attainable operators. Bulletin of Advanced Scientific Research 01 [01] (2015) , www.asdpub.com/index.php/basr
20. R. K. Obogi, N.B. Okelo, Omolo Ongati: New Conditions for positivity of operators in non-unital C*-algebras. Pure Mathematical Sciences, Vol.4, (2015), no. 2, 77-81. http://dx.doi.org/10.12988/pms.2015.41133
21. R. K. Obogi, J.N.Bosire, Okelo N.B, Omolo Ongati: Conditions for positivity of operators in non-unital C*-algebras. International. Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 9, (2015), no. 2, 91-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.12988/ijma.2015.411349
YEAR 2014
22. N.B.Okelo, Omolo Ongati and Obogi Robert Karieko: Norm inequalities for Positive Elementary Operators and Entanglement of States. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives. Vol. 2, No. 5, (2014), 18-26. ISSN 2320-5822
23. N.B.Okelo, Omolo Ongati and Obogi Robert Karieko: Norm inequalities of Norm- Attainable Operators and their Orthogonal Extensions. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives. Vol. 2, No.5,(2014), 1-9. ISSN 2320-5822 http://www.jgrma.info
24. N.B.Okelo, Omolo Ongati and Obogi Robert Karieko: Projective Norms and Convergence of Norm –Attainable Operators. Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives. Vol. 2, No. 5, (2014), 10-17. ISSN 2320-5822 jgrma.info
YEAR 2013
25. Obogi R. K, Kerongo J: The M0 –Matrix Completion Problem for some Digraphs of 5×5 matrices with five edges, International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies Vol 2 Issue 12 (2013), 589-626. ISSN 2319-9725
7. Classes you teach: Real Analysis, Measure Theory, Ring Theory, Linear Algebra, Field Theory, Abstract Algebra, Mathematics for Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics, Topology, Functional Analysis, Group Theory, Commutative Algebra, Coding Theory, Complex Analysis, Field Theory, Operator Theory and Number Theory.
8. Other relevant links: ORCID NO: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8798-6412
9. Official Contact Details: robogi@kisiiuniversity.ac.ke