Dr. Kennedy Owuor Olale,
• Lecturer of Analytical and Sustainable Chemistry.
• School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Department of Chemistry
3. Biography:
Dr Kennedy Olale has a strong research background in analytical chemistry, chemometrics and spectroscopy, food analysis, sustainable chemistry, and environmental chemistry. He previously worked as a research fellow with World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), and has published several papers in peer-reviewed journals. Dr Olale is a recipient of several awards and grants for his research, including the National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation (NACOSTI) 2015, World Agroforestry (ICRAF) Research Fellowship (2009) under Carbon Benefits Project (CBP): Modelling, Measurement, and Monitoring -Funded by UNEP through GEF fund and World Agroforestry (ICRAF). Doctoral Research Fellowship under Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) CGIAR project. He is the thematic head of analytical and sustainable chemistry research at the Department of Chemistry, and an examination Officer/Coordinator at the School. Currently, he collaborates with the Centre for Science and Technological Innovation (CSTI), a UNESCO-associated center based at the Kenya National Academy of Sciences, on sustainable chemicals in the building/construction Industry. He is a member of Kenya Chemical Society.
4. Academic Qualifications:
• Jan 2015 to Dec 2020- Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Nairobi-Kenya.
• Thesis. Quality traits prediction of mango fruit pulp using Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR) and Chemometrics; and the effect of fertilization on fruit characteristics.
• Sept 2009 to 2012- Master of Science in Chemistry, University of Nairobi, Chiromo Campus, Nairobi-Kenya.
• Thesis. Prediction of wood density and carbon-nitrogen content in tropical agroforestry tree species in western Kenya using infrared spectroscopy
• Sept 2001 to 2005- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry, (2nd Upper Division) University of Nairobi, Chiromo Campus, Nairobi-Kenya.
• Project. Determination of Inorganic Additives in Lubricating Oils using AAS Spectroscopy
• Jan 1996 to Dec 1999- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education- (K.C.S.E), Kakrao Mixed Secondary School, Migori County, Kenya
• Jan 1987 to Dec 1995- Kenya Certificate of Primary Education-(K.C.P.E), Nyasare Primary School, Migori County.
5. Research Interests:
• Sustainable chemistry, organochlorine pesticides, Per fluorinated compounds, Plant Based Spices and Soil health monitoring.
• Collaborates with the Centre for Science and Technological Innovation (CSTI), a UNESCO-associated center based at the Kenya National Academy of Sciences
• Current Students Supervision;
No. Name Level Status
1. Ogola Julius Ochieng MPS13/00002/19 Msc Graduated 2023
2. Eunice Akinyi Chore MPS13/00004/20 Msc Compiling Thesis
3. Mercilline N Moenga
MPS13/70105/16 Msc Compiling Thesis
4. Robert Nyambane Bundi MPS13/00001/22 Msc Data Collection
5. Kisiangani N Sarah
MPS13/00003/21 Msc Data Collection
6. Michael Getanda Makini
MPS13/70068/15 Msc Data Collection
6. Publications:
• Books
Muchugi A, Kadu C, Kindt R, Kipruto H, Lemurt S, Olale K, Nyadoi P, Dawson I and JamnadassR, (2008). Molecular Markers for Tropical Trees, A Practical Guide to Principles and Procedures. ICRAF Technical Manual No.9. Dawson, I and Jamnadass, R. (Eds) Nairobi. World Agroforestry Centre
• Conferences
Olale Kennedy (2023) "PFCs and PFAs in water proofing materials", case studies from various African countries and associated risks. Sustainable Building & Sustainable Chemistry. UNEP/IC3/CSTI online conference https://isc3.com/page/what-we-do/information/isc3- spotlights/spotlight-innovation-sustainable-chemistry-recap/spotlight3- session2-addressing-hazardous-chemicals
Olale O.K, Waudo W., Mohammed S. A., Sila A and Shepherd K (2017). Influence of Phosphorous and Potassium Fertilizer on fruit morphological and Chemical Properties of Mangifera indica L in Kenya. Presented at the 9th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society (KCS) at USIU University on May 2017
Olale O.K, Waudo W., Mohammed S. A., Sila A and Shepherd K (2015). Application of FTIR-DRIFT spectroscopy for quantitative prediction of sugars in the pulp of two local and two Floridian mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars from different sites in Kenya. A poster presented at the XI International Mango Symposium, between 28th September and 2nd October 2015 in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.
Olale O.K, Waudo W. and Mohammed S. A (2013). Decrease of Bioactive Compounds and Quality Parameters in Mango Pulp (‘Apple’ Variety) after Freeze-Drying and Freezing: A preliminary comparison of methods for improving sample storage. Presented at the 13th Workshop on Sustainable Horticultural Production in the Tropics at Meru University of Science of Technology. December 3rd – 6 th, 2013.
Olale O.K, Yenesew A, Jamnadass R, Sila A, Betemariam E, Kuyah S and Shepherd K (2012). Limitations to use of infrared spectroscopy for rapid determination of wood density across tropical species. Presented at the 7th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society (KCS) at Maseno University on 15th to 18th Oct 2012. kenyachemsoc.com
• Journals
Olale, K. (2024). Effects of phosphorus and potassium fertilization and fruit canopy position on sugar accumulation in Mangifera indica cv.'Kent' pulp. Journal of Food, Nutrition and Diet Science, 41-48.
JO Ogola, K Olale, R Mogwasi, O Mainya (2024). Organochlorine pesticide residues in water and sediments in river Kibos-Nyamasaria in Kisumu County: An inlet river of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Scientific African, 2024 Vol.23, e02094). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2024.e02094
J Achoki, P Orina, C Kaingu, J Oduma, K Olale (2024). Comparative Study on Fatty Acids Composition of Lemna minor (Duckweed) Cultured in Indoor Plastic Tanks and Outdoor Earthen Ponds. Aquaculture Research, 2024(1)- 5563513. https://doi.org/10.1155/2024/5563513
JO Ogola, R Mogwasi, K Olale (2023) Impact of Human Activities on Water Quality in River Kibos-Nyamasaria, Kisumu County: An Inlet River to Lake Victoria in Winam Gulf, Kenya. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,10 (3)
Mogwasi, R., Olale, O.K., Osunga, S., & Kenanda, E. O. (2023). Assessment of bio-accessibility of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and As) through consumption of medicinal plants collected from different regions in Nyamira-Kenya. Diagnostics and Therapeutics, 16-33.
JO Ogola, R Mogwasi, K Olale (2023) Assessment of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its Isomers in Water and Sediments: A case study of River Kibos-Nyamasaria, Kisumu County-Kenya. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,10 (8)
Recha, J. W., Olale, O.K., Sila, A. M., Ambaw, G., Radeny, M., & Solomon, D. (2022). Measuring soil quality indicators under different climate-smart land uses across east African climate-smart villages. Agronomy, 12(2), 530.
Recha, J. W., Olale, O.K., Sila, A., Ambaw, G., Radeny, M., & Solomon, D. (2021). Ensemble modeling on near-infrared spectra as rapid tool for assessment of soil health indicators for sustainable food production systems. Soil Systems, 5(4), 69.
Olale O.K., Waudo W., Mohammed S. A., Sila A and Shepherd K (2019). FTIR-DRIFTS-based prediction of β-carotene, α-tocopherol and L-ascorbic acid in mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit pulp. Springer Nature Applied Science.1:279. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0297-7
Olale O.K., Waudo W., Mohammed S. (2019). Effects of Freeze-drying and Freezing on Vitamins and Sugars of Mango Pulp (‘Apple’ Cultivar): A Preliminary Comparison of Methods for Improving Sample Storage. Chemical Methodologies, vol.3 (6), 763-773.
Olale O.K, Yenesew A, Jamnadass R, Sila A, and Shepherd K (2019). A simple field-based method for rapid wood density estimation for selected tree species in Western Kenya. Scientific African. Vol.5 e00149
Olale O.K., Waudo W., Mohammed S. A., Sila A and Shepherd K (2017). Application of DRIFT-FTIR spectroscopy for quantitative prediction of simple sugars in two local and two Floridian mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars in Kenya. Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 21
Olale O.K, Yenesew A, Jamnadass R, Sila A, Betemariam E, Kuyah S and Shepherd K (2013). Limitations to use of infrared spectroscopy for rapid determination of carbon-nitrogen and wood density for tropical speciess. Advances in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 3, No.3.
Olale O.K, Jamnadass R and Shepherd K (2011). A Protocol for Measuring Tree Wood Density and Carbon Content in Tropical Agroforestry. Document Version 1.0 http://www.goes.msu.edu/cbp/density.pdf
7. Classes taugth:
• CHEM 801
• CHEM 802
• CHEM 413
• CHEM 466
• CHEM 326
• CHEM 365
• CHEM 212
• CHEM 115
8. Other relevant links:
• Google scholar profile
• LinkedIn
• ResearchGate
• Researchid
9. Official Contact Details: