Dr. Ochieng’ Gerface Ojwang’ holds doctorate of philosophy in philosophy from Kenyatta University. He is a full-time lecturer at Kisii University, the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. He is a full member of Philosophical Association of Kenya (PAK) and The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). He has attended several international and national conferences and presented papers and published online article. He has coauthored two books: Philosophy and Education, Necessity of Alliance or Divorce, Published by Kolbe Press (2021) and Kwasi Wiredu’s Thoughts by Dodum Press (2024). Currently he is the departmental exams coordinator (Philosophy section).
Academic Qualifications: 23/07/2021 Kenyatta University
Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy)
Title of the Thesis: Relationship Between Terrorism and Islam: An Insight into the Myth and the Reality.
19/12/2014 Kenyatta University
Master of Arts in Philosophy (M.A. Phil)
Title of the Thesis: Philosophical Analysis of Gender Based Affirmative Action Policy in Kenya with Respect to Theory of Justice.
2009 – 2011 Tangaza University College (The Catholic University of Eastern Africa)
Certificate in Theology
2006 – 2009 Pontificia Universitas Antonianum, Rome – Italy
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (Second Upper Class)
1998 – 2001 Angino Mixed Secondary School – Rachuonyo
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
1989 – 1997 Angeno Primary School - Rachuonyo
Kenya Certificate of primary Education
Research Interests:
My areas of research are on Socio-political philosophy, African Pedagogies, Ethics, Education, Governance and Epistemology.
1. July 2019: Contributed as a Doctoral Student to the chapters in the handbook: Conducting Research and Mentoring Students in Africa.
CODESRIA College of Mentors Handbook. Funded by CODESRIA.
2. 30th July 2019 Rwanda Correctional Service in Collaboration with Kenyatta University, school of Security Diplomacy and Peace Studies. Wrote a module: Unit Code & Name: RCS 025: Ethics and Professionalism in Correctional Institutions. Funded by Rwandan government.
Book Chapters:
1. “Modern Pedagogies to Influence Virtue and Criticality Among students to Avert Religious Extremism/ Terrorism” in Philosophy and Education, Necessity of Alliance or Divorce, Published by Kolbe Press 2021.
2. “Philosophy and the Political Problems of Human Rights in Africa” in Kwasi Wiredu’s Thoughts by Dodum Press, (2024)
Journal Articles:
1. February 2020: Published Journal Article: The Role of Philosophy in Addressing Governance and Integrity in Africa in The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, ‘The IJHSS’ Journal, Volume VIII, Issue 2, February, 2020 DOI No.: 10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/i2/HS2002-088
1. 25th January 2025. The Tangaza International Philosophy Symposium. Theme: University Education and Emergent contemporary challenges: A philosophical outlook
2. March 16th - 17th - 2024. Attended and presented a paper at a conference on Artificial Intelligence and Elections in Africa organized by Yiaga Africa, African Election Observation Network (AfEONet), Elections Observation (ELOG), West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON), Electoral Support Network of Southern Africa (ESN-SA) and Luminate group at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Arboretum.
Paper Presented: What is intelligence about Artificial Intelligence? Its only Moral beings who can do without AI can use AI!!!
My paper was quoted by East African Newspaper 6-12th Issue Pg. 20
3. January 27th 2024 – Successfully organized the 5th Tangaza International Philosophy Day
Symposium. You tube link:
Role: Chair Symposium steering Committee or Abstract and Publication.
Paper Presented: Artificial Intelligence: An Ethical Interrogation.
4. January 28th 2023 – Successfully organized the 4th Tangaza International Philosophy Day
Symposium. You tube link:
Role: Chair Symposium steering Committee or Abstract and Publication.
Paper Presented: Philosophy and the Political Problems of Human Rights in Africa: A Reflection On Kwasi Wiredu.
5. 28 – 30th October 2019: Attend and presented a paper at the Third Biennial African Philosophy World Conference: Building Africa’s Future on African Philosophy organized by the University of Dar es Salaam. Paper Title: A Need to Re-claim African Pedagogies to Alleviate Moral Decay in African Societies.
6. 2015 – 2018 I have attended various international conferences and presented papers on various topics. I have also given public lectures and retreat in various institutions of higher learning.
Classes you teach:
I teach Under graduates classes and Masters classes
1. Phil 104 - Philosophy and Society
2. Phil 107 - Critical and Creative Thinking
3. Reli 122 - Introduction to Christian Ethical Thinking.
4. MA class - Ethics and Governance in Kenya -
Other relevant links:
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