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Reference Information
Librarian is available at all times to assist you search and retrieve information.
Book Reservation
Books not immediately available on the shelves but in stock, can be reserved for readers after a
written request on a reservation form at the issue desk.
Book Renewals
Books on loan can be renewed for a further period. This will be done on request if they have not
been reserved.
Loan Recall
The librarian may recall any material on loan if it is required for special purposes by another user.
Interlibrary Loan
Library materials not available in the library can be obtained from other libraries through this
scheme. This will however depend on the availability of the materials required.
Photocopying and Printing
Limited photocopying of articles from books and periodicals will be allowed while respecting
copyright laws on fair use. Downloads from internet can be printed for users at a fee.
Current Awareness Services
The Library displays all newly acquired materials before they are shelved for user awareness.
User Education
Information and instruction shall continuously be provided to the users.
Alerting Services
The library provides alerting services by E-mail to members of Faculty when new acquisitions in
their areas of interest are received in the library.
Our Library provides information in non-book format e.g. audio cassettes and CD ROMs.
Electronic Resources
The University Library provide electronic resources through the programme of, TEEAL (The
Essential Electronic Agricultural Library) a fully searchable database of full text articles from more
than 200 .journals.