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Life at Kisii University

71 + Organized student groups
8+ Undergraduate student residences
20,000+ Students

Student Life

Dean of students

This Department is mandated to develop, nurture and promote an enabling environment that supports and enhances both academic and developmental pursuits of students. This is the go to department while at the university for all your welfare issues in support of your academic dreams and goals. The department is headed by the Dean of Students who administers, coordinates and oversees all the sections of the department and related service departments in the service of the student welfare. It is also the major mandate of the Dean of Students to represent the student concerns as well as advice the different levels of the university management and students’ family on issues of concern for the welfare of students.

Student Career Services

The Office of students Career Services (OSCS) is located Sakagwa Academic Block ground floor in the former SG5. The department started its official operations on October 2018 as a support system for students in their career journey. Since its establishment, the department has greatly impacted the career lives of our students as well as those the institutions in our surrounding. The department is committed to helping students(both in the university as well those in secondary schools) explore their career options, identify and prepare adequately for the opportunities in the job market, update students on the new job market trends , access to opportunities like internships , jobs and volunteer with partner organizations

Games and Sports Services

71 Clubs in which to pursue your passions

Student Activities