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Research, Extension, Innovation and Resource Mobilization
The Trinity Challenge: Community Access to Effective Antibiotics 2025
Posted on Feb 20,2025 by

Deadline: 24-Apr-25

Apply now for the Trinity Challenge: Community Access to Effective Antibiotics.


§  The Trinity Challenge on Community Access to Effective Antibiotics is particularly interested in the following two drivers:

§  Lack of stock control at the sub-national/local level in community settings.

§  Substandard and falsified oral antibiotics, which are estimated to make up 10% of antimicrobials used by humans in LMICs and 6.5% of veterinary medicines.


Prize Information

§  A prize fund of up to £1,000,000 will be awarded, with an aim to award a grand prize of £500,000 in each category of the Challenge (Stock Control and Substandard and Falsified Antibiotics).

§  Other prizes may be made at the discretion of the Judges e.g. runner-up prizes or honourable mentions for solutions outstandingly meeting some criteria.

§  The exact amount of the prize for each winner will depend on the solution’s needs for development, deployment, and scaling over the next two years.


Eligibility Criteria

§  Applicants from all over the world are encouraged to apply. This Challenge particularly encourages solutions from teams based in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and multi-disciplinary teams. Previous Trinity Challenge applicants are able to apply.

§  Solutions must:

§  Focus on interventions in LMICs

§  A minimum of 60% prize funding must be spent in LMICs

§  Utilise or generate community-level data in LMICs i.e outside of hospital/formal healthcare settings and industry

§  Demonstrate the potential to scale to positively impact the lives of LMIC populations
Focus on stock control and/or substandard and falsified oral antibiotics

§  If focus is human health, it should be on oral antibiotics in the community setting.

§  If focus is animal health, it should be on antibiotics in feed or water for food production animals, or oral antibiotics for companion animals.

§  We welcome existing solutions focused on community-level health, agricultural, or other relevant data and analytics that can be adapted as long as there is a justification for how it could be applied to stock control and/or substandard and falsified antibiotics.

For more information, visit Solve.

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