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Research, Extension, Innovation and Resource Mobilization
Massey University Doctoral Scholarship
Posted on Feb 20,2025 by

Massey University Doctoral Scholarship

The award of the scholarship focuses on the academic excellence of the student, without limiting the selection to GPA, as well as ensuring that decisions are made in line with the University, College, and School research strategies. The Massey University Doctoral Scholarship acknowledges the unique contribution that Māori and Pacific students make to academic research. Massey is committed to promoting equity of access to learning, teaching, and research.

The expectation is that recipients of the Doctoral Scholarship will enrol in their doctoral study no later than 1 March of the year following selection.

The Massey University Doctoral Scholarship is available to full-time and part-time candidates enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsych) or Doctor of Social Work (DSW). There are also named scholarships for Māori and Pacific doctoral candidates. This is a scholarship for a stipend plus fees.

When you apply you need to ask your supervisor to complete the Supervisor Support Template. You will need to upload the completed form in the Student Portal when you submit your scholarship application.

1.               Who we're looking for

We're looking for students with a record of high academic achievement who are undertaking doctoral research of strategic importance.

2.               What you'll be studying

This is a postgraduate scholarship. You will have an admission offer of place for doctoral study or be enrolled within the first 12 months of a doctoral degree at the time of application closing date.

3.               Eligibility criteria

You should:

  • be enrolled in the first 12 months of doctoral study, or have an offer of place for doctoral study at Massey University
  • have a GPA of 7.0 or higher
  • be researching a topic of strategic value to the University
  • agree to the conditions of the scholarship as outlined in the scholarship regulations

Successful applicants must be enrolled in their doctoral programme no later than 1 March of the year following the award.

You are expected to have secured admission into your chosen doctoral programme (and have either a conditional or unconditional offer of place letter) prior to the scholarship closing date. You should normally allow a minimum of 4 weeks for admission applications to be processed. Information on how to apply for admission can be found on our website.

4.               Application checklist

Include the following with your application:

·  A research outline including the key disciplinary area(s) of research in the proposed project, the aims and significance of the study, and the theoretical and methodological frameworks (200-1000 words)

·  A completed Supervisor Support Template. Your primary supervisor must complete the above linked form. You will then need to upload it in your Student Portal when you apply for the Massey Doctoral Scholarship.

5.               Selection considerations

When choosing our recipient, we will consider your academic achievements along with the alignment of your research to the strategic priorities of the University, College and research supervisor(s).

6.               Download the regulations

Massey University Doctoral Scholarship Regulations (PDF, 217.0 KB)

7.                Apply

Applications open 1 April 2025 and close 1 July 2025.


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