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Research, Extension, Innovation and Resource Mobilization
Posted on Feb 20,2025 by

Opportunity Grants aim to nurture and encourage innovative ideas and approaches to SRHR advocacy in new contexts. They allow local, small civil society, and grassroots organizations to drive the advocacy agenda and ensure change happens in sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR).


Duration Criteria

The duration of an Opportunity Grant can be 18 or 24 months. This funding round is open for applications up to GBP 75,000. We encourage you to be realistic and apply for the amount that is best for your organization and project.


eligibility Criteria

All applicants must meet the general eligibility criteria as well as the criteria detailed below.

±        Your organization must be based in and implementing a project in one of the AmplifyChange eligible countries.

±        You must be a small to medium sized organization with an average annual expenditure over the past two years of less than GBP 200,000 per year. For example, if your expenditure in 2021 was GBP 100,000, and in 2022 it was GBP 350,000, the average would be GBP 225,000 – this would mean you would not be eligible to apply.

±        You will be asked to submit evidence for your expenditure values. This could be an audited report or a profit and loss statement.

±        Both registered and unregistered groups can apply for an Opportunity Grant. If your organization is unregistered and your application is successful, we will either support you to register and open a bank account or support you to identify an organisation that can help manage grant funds on your behalf (‘fiscal sponsor’).



Priority Theme 1

The purpose of this Opportunity Grant call is to fund small civil society organizations, support their advocacy work, and strengthen them so they can bring about positive change in one of the AmplifyChange priority themes or an intersection or combination of themes: Abortion, Violence, Youth, Stigma and Access.

Priority Theme 2

Applications must respond to one or more of our outcome areas in our Theory of Change: Increasing individual awareness of SRHR as human rights; Improving access to SRHR resources, information & servicesTransforming social normsChanging policies & laws; and Building stronger, more inclusive movements for SRHR.

Priority Theme 3

Within our priority themes, Amplify Change supports cross-cutting themes that impact SRHR and well-being and respond to challenges that advocates identify as their priorities for action. We are happy to receive applications from organizations who wish to integrate these issues into their proposals: Climate Justice, Pleasure, and Mental Health.

  Other Themes

Within our priority themes, AmplifyChange supports cross-cutting themes that impact on SRHR and well-being and respond to challenges that advocates identify as their priorities for action. We are happy to receive applications from organizations who wish to integrate these issues into their proposals: Climate Justice, Pleasure and Mental health

We are particularly interested to fund projects that:

±        Are submitted by small, grassroots organizations that find it challenging to access funding.

±        Aim to address the root causes and drivers of discriminatory social norms and inequitable power relations.

±        Pilot a new idea or innovative approach and learn lessons about what is effective.

±        Implementing a promising practice that have shown initial success.

±        Empower marginalised groups to advocate for their rights and access to services.

±        Work towards the development, improvement and effective implementation of laws and policies, including by-laws.


Which countries are eligible?

Projects must be based in one of the following countries:

Among the qualifying Countries

±        Jordan

±        Kenya

±        Somalia

±        Uganda

±        Western Sahara

±        Yemen

±        Zambia

±        Zimbabwe

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