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Information Communication and Technology (ICT)

Core Values:

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Innovation: We embrace innovation as the driving force behind technological advancement and constantly seek creative solutions to meet the evolving needs of our university.

Excellence: We are committed to achieving the highest standards of quality and performance in all our ICT services and support.

Accessibility: We ensure that our ICT resources and services are accessible to all, promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities within the university community.

Collaboration: We foster collaboration and partnerships, both internally and externally, to leverage expertise and resources for the benefit of the university.

Integrity: We operate with the utmost integrity, respecting confidentiality, privacy, and ethical standards in all our interactions and data handling.

Security: We prioritize the security and protection of university data and systems, implementing robust measures to safeguard against cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

Empowerment: We empower our university community by providing training, resources, and support to ensure they can leverage ICT effectively for their academic and administrative needs.

Sustainability: We strive for sustainability in our ICT practices, considering the environmental impact and the responsible use of resources in our operations.

Adaptability: We remain adaptable and agile in the face of technological changes, ensuring that our ICT infrastructure and services remain relevant and responsive to emerging trends.

Customer-Centric: We are dedicated to serving the needs of our students, faculty, and staff, and we continuously seek feedback to improve our services and user experience.

These Vision, Mission, and Core Values statements are designed to guide the ICT Department in its endeavors to provide outstanding ICT services and support within the university environment. They reflect a commitment to excellence, innovation, and the welfare of the university community while upholding the highest ethical and security standards.